counseling + consulting
(614) 678-7108
Thoughtful | Collaborative | Effective

I offer individual counseling sessions for adults wanting to address issues related to stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and trauma. I also love working with people experiencing significant life transitions like moving into or out of relationships, changing work environments or careers, graduating from school, having a baby, preparing for an empty nest, facing a serious health challenge or dealing with the loss of a loved one. I enjoy helping clients make the sustainable, positive changes they long for. I offer traditional hourly sessions or multiple-hour intensive sessions for individuals as well as convenient and secure online video sessions.
Relationships can be life-giving, beautiful and challenging. Whether you are dating and considering marriage, married and experiencing some difficulty, dealing with infidelity or contemplating a divorce, I can help. I love coming alongside couples to strengthen their relationships and recover from distress. My therapeutic approach is based upon well-researched best practice models that have proven successful for thousands of couples. I offer traditional hourly sessions and multiple-hour intensive sessions for couples. I also offer convenient and secure online video sessions.

If you or your spouse are considering divorce but not completely sure if it’s the best path, Discernment Counseling may be right for you. Discernment Counseling is designed to help you and your spouse gain clarity and confidence about the future of your marriage based on a deeper understanding of your relationship. This is a short-term process, usually 1-5 sessions, designed to help you determine the best path forward whether that is to maintain the status quo, move toward getting apart well or investing in an effort to restore your marriage to health. I am a Certified Discernment Counselor and offer this service in person and via secure video sessions.
I offer topical small group meetings and workshops throughout the year. I am also available to develop customized small groups, workshops and presentations for your organization to best meet your interests. I am offering a new Marital First Responders workshop in 2024 to better equip friends, family and allied professionals be better prepared to help those who approach them for guidance with a marital crisis or concern. Please contact me to explore opportunities or if you would like to be notified of upcoming events.

I offer consulting services to therapists, clergy, and divorce professionals on Discernment Counseling. I also enjoy working with individuals and teams to create alignment and impact in social welfare and ministry organizations. Please contact me to discuss how I might be able to come alongside you and your team.